Friday, January 29, 2010

Pay Day

Today as I was going for lunch I noticed a long queue in front of the ATM of the only bank in the city. There are usually a lot of people inside the bank but almost no one outside to use the ATM; today though is a special day: it is pay day.

As few shops accept credit card for payment everyone has to go to the bank to get the money and go shopping; there must be a lot of mattresses full of bank notes on this island.
A little bit further, a small sugar market was installed, you could buy full bags which would weigh around 10kg or buy smaller amounts of sugar. I saw some kids running around with a full bag on a wheelbarrow or some people riding their bikes with the big sugar bag. Back at work I asked my Kiribatian colleagues, they explained that the island inhabitants love sweet things and they always add some sugar to the water they drink. Sugar is being sold on pay day when everyone has enough money to afford it. I wonder how many have diabetes on the island.

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