Monday, May 4, 2009

The Blue Lagoon, Your Personal Outdoor Swimming Pool

Today we went to see the blue lagoon, it is in fact a lagoon inside a lagoon as it is located inside the Rangiroa lagoon but you still have to step out of the boat and walk to get there.

Once in i recommend to wear shoes in the water at all time to avoid stepping on coral, stones or any other thing that might hurt you.
The lagoon is in average 50 cm deep, this is like a huge naturally heated swimming pool. When you start swimming you will find yourself close to a lot of fishes, some rays or some young black tip sharks.

Quick lunch on a small island followed by a long swim along the blue lagoon small coral reef. You might see some parrot fish, trunk fish, butterfly fish, surgeon fish, some sharks with remoras on the side...

Poisson Coffre

To end the day the way it should, you get to swim in the middle of a lot of adult black tip sharks, i don't know why but people from the US are always scared that a shark might eat them, they should stop watching TV. In the water, you have sharks left and right it is quite impressive. To thank the sharks for the show we feed them some fish.

On the way back to the hotel we got drenched by a fierce rain, i suppose it was a way to say goodbye as we were heading straight to the airport. Here is a aerial view of the our hotel.

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