Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Am My Mouth

Today is a sad day, I lost my first tooth as an adult.
Today the dentist extracted one of my wisdom tooth.

I am seated in the dentist chair head backward. He just stuck a needle in various areas of my gum and I gradually am starting to lose some feeling in the mouth. He asks me to describe what I am feeling and when he is satisfied he starts working; he pushes, he pulls, he presses...
I am waiting for him to be done. I look at the ceiling, I look through the window, I look at his assistant then I look at the lamp sending light into my mouth. Thanks to this lamp I can actually see everything that is happening in my mouth. And just like that all the thoughts in my mind vanish and only one remains: I am my mouth. I could be thinking about much more interesting things but no there is only one thing in my mind. I have a lot of work waiting, I could be thinking about how I will manage what I have to do but no I am fixated by what is going on in my mouth. I just can’t refrain from laughing when the dentist takes a needle with a thread and inserts it in my gum. He is stitching the space left by my tooth to avoid any infection, this is the first time that I have stitches and they have to be inside my mouth. When he is done, he asks me if I want to keep my tooth, a picture of me running around with my tooth around my neck flashes but I am not 5 anymore so the tooth will end up in the rubbish bin.
I am not out of the woods yet, when will the pain start? In the meantime I am forbidden to eat anything until tomorrow morning, now this will be easy.

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