Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Sound Of The Day

An instrumental track for those who only listen to high quality stuff: Mr. Chop - Good Life.

La suite!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Sound Of The Day

Sit back, relax and feel the bass: Chinese Man - Racing With The Sun.

La suite!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Am My Mouth

Today is a sad day, I lost my first tooth as an adult.
Today the dentist extracted one of my wisdom tooth.

I am seated in the dentist chair head backward. He just stuck a needle in various areas of my gum and I gradually am starting to lose some feeling in the mouth. He asks me to describe what I am feeling and when he is satisfied he starts working; he pushes, he pulls, he presses...
I am waiting for him to be done. I look at the ceiling, I look through the window, I look at his assistant then I look at the lamp sending light into my mouth. Thanks to this lamp I can actually see everything that is happening in my mouth. And just like that all the thoughts in my mind vanish and only one remains: I am my mouth. I could be thinking about much more interesting things but no there is only one thing in my mind. I have a lot of work waiting, I could be thinking about how I will manage what I have to do but no I am fixated by what is going on in my mouth. I just can’t refrain from laughing when the dentist takes a needle with a thread and inserts it in my gum. He is stitching the space left by my tooth to avoid any infection, this is the first time that I have stitches and they have to be inside my mouth. When he is done, he asks me if I want to keep my tooth, a picture of me running around with my tooth around my neck flashes but I am not 5 anymore so the tooth will end up in the rubbish bin.
I am not out of the woods yet, when will the pain start? In the meantime I am forbidden to eat anything until tomorrow morning, now this will be easy.

La suite!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Sound Of The Day

A song from one of my favorite bands: Hooverphonic - Heartbroken.

La suite!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ilet Des Chicots

How about going back in time?

I went to Cilaos with some friends and we spent the night in “Ilet des Chicots”. To get there you have take a very winding road that will take you to Cilaos City (the road has 400 turns) then take a very narrow road. Between the winding and the area of the road where two cars can’t pass each other you have to park the best way you can in the few areas designed for parking. We ended up on a beautiful plateau after walking up some stairs, it was overlooking the road and offered an amazing view of “le Cirque de Cilaos” as well as “le Piton des Neiges”.

In Reunion Island the “ilet” are small villages with very few houses located in a cirque. In “Ilet des Chicots” there is only one house, it has a small dormitory, a kitchen and a dining room. There is no electricity and but there is running water, the owner is using a generator to power the lights and I guess he takes the water from a small river running higher in the mountain. A shower and toilets are located not too far away from the house and there are 3 individual bedrooms looking like wooden tents.

We were in this amazing place frozen in time and far away from the world even though the road was 5 minutes away. People were still living there 2 generations ago. They had chickens, goats and cultivated the land. In the family that owns the place the sons make medicine from herbs. They created terraces around the plateau and planted different kind of plants. When you stay there you get to have a tour and they will explain which plants are good and which ones are dangerous.

This is the perfect place to leave everyday life behind for a few days. Those who are afraid to be cut off completely should know that there is perfect cell phone coverage over there.

La suite!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012